In my art practice, I explore the intersection of art and therapy, delving into the complexities of mental health to evoke emotional responses and facilitate healing. Through ethereal psychological portraits, I metaphorically represent the depths of the human psyche, capturing intangible aspects of our inner worlds.

Influenced by art therapy, psychoanalysis, and trauma research, I draw inspiration from renowned artists like Caravaggio, Rubens, Bouguereau, Albert Edelfelt and Max Ernst. Employing oil painting techniques, including grisaille and color glazing, I strive to achieve a contemporary realism aesthetic that merges the tangible with the intangible.

The contextual understanding of my work has been shaped by the texts on trauma and the body by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk and Dr. Gabor Mate. Engaging in expressive arts as a transformative act, I recreate personal experiences within a healing journey, making emotions tangible and manipulable through sensory-based experiences and mind-body practices. By metaphorically and non-verbally exploring conflicts, I construct new meanings, empowering individuals to regain control and liberate their minds and bodies from the captivity of memories.

Ultimately, my art offers an immersive experience that fosters introspection, healing, and empowerment. By merging psychology and art, I invite viewers to confront their inner worlds, cultivating understanding and resilience in the face of the human condition.